The Nigerian Patriots Connect Group

A community of Nigerian Patriots.

Who We Are

We are Nigerians who believe in the Unity of the country, Equality in the treatment of all Nigerians, and Integrity in Public Service. 

We want to see a stable Nigeria, with a strong economy, a powerful military, and a respected presence on the foreign stage. 

Once we have the appropriate number of disciplined and dedicated members, we will float a political party to compete for the opportunity to shape Nigeria in accordance with our values. 

In anticipation, we are building our community, one person at a time, using ideas and ideology, not money sharing or sectional appeals. 

Who We Are Looking For

We are interested in people who share our core ideals of Unity, Equality and Integrity. We emphasize that we have no interest in –

  1. Schemes that seek to dismember the country, 
  2. Ideologies that promote ethno-religious bigotry of any kind, and
  3. Philosophies that justify a culture of political patronage and corruption.

What We Do

We Organize

Schools Outreaches

A Made In Nigeria Festival

Civic Awareness Campaigns

Membership Benefits

As a community, we offer 

  1. Safety in numbers, 
  2. Programs that sharpen your understanding of your country, and 
  3. The opportunity to be equipped with the confidence to articulate your position convincingly anywhere, any time, and with anyone.

You will develop a unique and inspirational understanding of who we are as Nigerians, why we are, how we got here, what we can be, how we can get there, and what the greatest obstacle in our way today is.

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a host of Community Activities, including –

  • Training & Capacity Building sessions
  • The Patriots Connect Monthly Lecture Series
  • Research & Reading Sessions
  • Schools Outreach Programs
  • Civic Education social media campaigns
  • The annual Made In Nigeria Festival
  • Whatsapp Group activities included quizzes, giveaways and discussions

Our Membership Structure

The Twin Rivers Group

The Twin Rivers Group is the General Section of our community. It is the all-members, all-access section of our community, where we all belong. 

The Silver Stallions Team

The Silver Stallions Team is the Core Worker Section of our community. It is for members who want to take on more responsibilities within the community. It is also the engagement and advocacy heart of our community. 

The Red Eagles Team

The Red Eagles Team is the Leadership Section of our community. It is for members who have come to own the community’s vision, and take personal responsibility for the success of its programs. 

Interested In Joining Us?

We have two pathways to membership of our community. You can join us either at the general level, or you can come straight into the heart of our community. Here is how it works!

Joining the Twin Rivers Team

If you are passionate about Nigeria, but not confident enough to advocate for her publicly, OR you are confident but not sure you are ready or able to be involved in the day to day running of our community, you can join our Twin Rivers Team. To sign up for a Made In Nigeria class Click Here

Joining the Silver Stallions Team

If you are passionate about Nigeria, confident enough to advocate for her publicly, and excited at the prospect of joining us to run our community, then you can apply to join our Silver Stallions Team. To join this section of our community, we will require you to 

  1. Complete our Membership Orientation Course, and 
  2. Pass our Community Assessment Test.

Interested? Join us!

Joining The Silver Stallions Team

Joining the Silver Stallions Team

If you are passionate about Nigeria, confident enough to advocate for her publicly, and excited at the prospect of joining us to run our community, then you can apply to join our Silver Stallions Team. To join this section of our community, we will require you to 

  1. Complete our Membership Orientation Course, and 
  2. Pass our Community Assessment Test.

Interested? Join us!

Get In Touch With Us!


0811 328 4898



Suite 002, The Fusion Plaza, Olusegun Obasanjo way, Wuye, Abuja

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