The Nigerian Patriot Program
Welcome to The Nigerian Patriot Program!
The program is designed to equip the Nigerian patriot with all the tools he or she needs to make the appropriate interventions necessary to preserve the unity of the country, and propel the country towards the realization of its full potential.
This is our Practical Civic Training Program for those who want to develop their capacity to be Nigerian patriots to an advanced level. The program is designed to equip the Nigerian patriot with all the tools he or she needs to make the appropriate interventions necessary to preserve the unity of the country, and propel the country towards the realization of its full potential. Participants in the Nigerian Patriot Program are able to facilitate for DCC, and also to work on one or several projects in our DCC Socio-Cultural Intervention Program.
One of the critical challenges in modern Nigeria is the low levels of patriotism and passion on the part of those who truly care about the country.
A widespread feeling of apathy, fed by a popular culture of miseducation, has robbed many people of belief in their own country, and left many otherwise conscientious citizens without the stamina and zeal required to sustain a struggle for social change. Without Patriotism, the herculean task of nation building cannot be successfully undertaken.
The DCC Nigerian Patriot Program provides a solid foundation for any Nigerian seeking to engage with the process of bringing about change in Nigeria either in their private capacity, or by going into politics, working in Government or working for an NGO.
This program aims to
- To restore love for, and pride in, the Nigerian nation,
- Provide a practical understanding of what Patriotism is, why it is essential to nation building, and how to evoke and sustain it in self and others.
- Provide cogent reasons why Nigeria is worth the struggle
- Equip the conscientious citizen with the right mindset and tools to make interventions that are capable of bringing about comprehensive, significant and sustainable systemic change